Stories From the Field
- A Tribute to Howard Reese (January 3, 1944 - April 8, 2022) (04/08/22)
- Scaffolding Saves the Day (09/20/21)
- Reputation for Honesty & Integrity (07/16/21)
- We Leave Your Masonry Restoration Project Debris Free (06/18/21)
- Window Lintel Replacement Work in East Lakeview (05/28/21)
- An On-going Commitment to Safety (04/24/21)
- AAA-1 Masonry Goes International (04/01/21)
- Quality Work That Will Last For Generations (12/10/20)
- The End of the Work Season Approaches (11/20/20)
- Exceptional Masons Produce Exceptional Masonry Work (09/24/20)
- Changing of the Season (03/08/20)
- The Seasonality of the Masonry Restoration Trades (12/20/19)
- AAA-1 Masonry In A Nutshell (11/20/19)
- No Project Too Big or Too Small (11/08/19)
- What Sets Us Apart (10/19/19)
- Heavy-Duty Vinyl Tarpaulins - An Affordable Means of Stopping Water Infiltration Through Your Masonry Walls (10/01/19)
- Glass Block Windows (06/12/19)
- The Impact of Our Erratic Spring Weather (05/10/19)
- Many (Skilled) Hands Make Light Work (04/19/19)
- Recipient of the 2018 Angie’s List Super Service Award (03/15/19)
- Prohibition-Era Building Materials (01/31/19)
- Recipient of the 2017 Angie’s List Super Service Award (02/01/18)
- Repairing Mortar Joints in Lakeview (08/27/17)
- What's That Haze On My Bricks? (08/15/17)
- Grinding & Tuckpointing (07/14/17)
- Some Thoughts About Safety (#5 in a Series) (03/15/17)
- Masonry Restoration Work & Cold Weather Considerations (#2 in a Series) (02/13/17)
- Masonry Restoration Work & Cold Weather Considerations (#1 in a Series) (01/20/17)
- An Industry In Growing Demand (12/20/16)
- Some Thoughts About Safety (#4 in a Series) (07/28/16)
- "High Quality" Masonry Sealers (06/20/16)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (05/18/16)
- Chimney Restoration in Hinsdale (04/30/16)
- Ask the Hard Questions (04/16/16)
- Masonry Restoration Case Study (04/06/16)
- Unique Flashing Detail (03/21/16)
- Valentine's Day Truth (02/14/16)
- Happy 30th Anniversary to Frank Kruk! (02/04/16)
- Some Thoughts About Safety (#3 in a Series) (01/20/16)
- Masonry Restoration at Second Church of Christ, Scientist (12/28/15)
- Expression of Gratitude (12/11/15)
- The Importance of Conducting Annual Inspections (11/25/15)
- Proper Site Protection Worth Every Cent (11/05/15)
- Former Dairy Undergoes Masonry Transformation (Part 2) (10/31/15)
- Unusual Brick Discovered (09/30/15)
- New Parapet Wall Project in East Ravenswood (09/16/15)
- Former Dairy Undergoes Masonry Transformation (Part 1) (07/14/15)
- Some Thoughts About Safety (#2 In a Series) (07/02/15)
- Some Thoughts About Safety (#1 In a Series) (06/29/15)
- Enduring Masonry in Oak Park (06/20/15)
- Whatever the Job Requires! (06/15/15)
- Residential Chimney Project in Glencoe (06/02/15)
- AAA-1 Masonry & Tuckpointing is Your Restoration Company (05/09/15)
- Restoring Fourth Presbyterian Church's Historic Fountain (04/06/15)
- Water Leaks – Sound Familiar? (01/15/15)
- Some Thoughts About Safety & Insurance (12/11/14)
- Why Temperature Matters At This Time of Year (11/11/14)
- Kudos to Frank Kruk (09/15/14)
- Counting My Blessings! (07/31/14)
- Your Brick Structure Can Last Another 100+ Years with Preventative Maintenance (07/08/14)
- Masons Are Like Farmers (06/13/14)
- Look Up! (05/28/14)
- Bring Your Child to Work Day (04/24/14)
- AAA-1 Masonry & Tuckpointing Receives BBB's 2013 Complaint-Free Award (02/28/14)
- Heavy Duty Tarps: Effective, Durable Solution for Winter Leaks (02/18/14)
- Why Weather Matters (01/27/14)
- A Few Thoughts About Quality (12/10/13)
- If You Build It Right the First Time... (09/01/12)
- More Common Than You Think (07/06/12)
- Flashing or Through-Wall Flashing (05/05/12)
- Extensive Edison Park Office Project (Underway) (04/24/11)
- Wright Chimney Restoration (03/15/11)
- Lincoln Park Residential Restoration (09/09/10)
- Critical Facade Inspection Work (08/15/10)
- Residential Chimney Rebuild (07/01/10)
- Vehicular Impact With Building (07/20/09)
- Taken For A Ride (06/15/09)
- Chronic Water Damage (05/10/09)
- Brick Wall Repair (11/15/08)
Stories From the Field
Post: Window Lintel Replacement Work in East Lakeview
Friday May 28, 2021

This month, AAA-1 Masonry & Tuckpointing was hired to locate and correct the source of water incursion at an elegant pre-war courtyard building in East Lakeview just steps from the lake.
After examination of the exterior and interior wall conditions, it was determined that defective window lintels were the primary contributors to the water damage observed inside the living spaces (refer to first photo). We could tell by the bowing of the steel lintels and the step cracks emanating from the corners of the window heads that these lintels were severely deteriorated and in need of replacement but we never could have guessed just how structurally deficient they were.
Lintels are often referred to as "angle iron” because the shape of the steel used to support the bricks and stones over door and window openings forms a right angle. In residential work, steel lintels typically have a thickness of 3/8” or 1/2”. Steel of this thickness is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of pounds of load without difficulty. The wider the window or door opening, the thicker the piece of steel should be to handle the load and maintain a nice straight shape. In the second photo you can see the cross section of a 3/8” piece of angle iron freshly cut and ready for priming and painting. This is what steel lintels should look like.

The third photo shows the condition of one of the window lintels removed from the building. Wow, that is a really awful steel window lintel! (Actually, what crew chief Andy is holding in his hand is more like 99% rust and 1% steel.) It is hard to believe that this hunk of junk once looked like the lintel in photo #2. When steel lintels are structurally deficient, more and more of the brick and stone load gets supported by the window frames and, not surprisingly, owners often complain that their windows no longer open easily because the frames are being crushed and deflected and no longer retain a true square shape.

Replacement of window lintels requires strength, patience and technical skill. AAA-1 Masonry & Tuckpointing has the technical knowledge and extensive field experience to replace your window and door lintels correctly. (That means priming and twice-painting the steel before installation, and installing a proper flashing detail including stainless steel drip edges and end dams.). For lintel replacement work that lasts and lasts, please contact us for a free consultation.
Thank you,